The Nature House

Our Nature House is as it sounds: built from untreated wood (System Thoma Holz100) and is completely free of lime and preservatives. The solid, weathered floor is oiled, not varnished or waxed. In addition, the house is made from other natural materials such as stone and clay which all in all create a wonderfully cosy atmosphere.
For us a Nature House also means the avoidance of media and electronic machines such as TV and computers. We therefore, request that you either do not bring mobile phones into the house or only when absolutely necessary. Our philosophy is such that our cabling is specially coated in order to prevent the emission of radiation and electrosmog as much as possible.
Through these above mentioned measures and also due to the fact that our heating is wall and under-floor, the house is virtually dust free.
Enjoy the beautiful mountain views and heavenly peace. It stands to reason that our Nature house is in itself a sanctuary where you can escape everyday life, whilst relaxing and reflecting as you gaze at the alps, finding the real you again.
Please note that the Nature House is a nonsmoking area; pets are not allowed.
We made an effort to watch for sustainability when we constructed the house and also decorated the interior.
For us this meant not following every “fashion fad” concerning interior design but furnishing it with sustainable objects.
For this we use the products of sheltered workshops and regional craft enterprises. This also means not wasting any precious energy. Therefore we not only use the sun to extract energy (for warm water and electricity) but also utilising rainwater for the toilet- flush and irrigation of the garden to save precious drinking water. It also means producing as little trash as possible when shopping.
Naturally we only use impeccable and eco-friendly cleaning material to wash the laundry and to clean the house. We use a water vacuum from the “Dolphin” Company from the Allgäu area to clean the house as it doesn’t produce any dust while vacuuming.
We do not use any artificial fertiliser or pesticides for our garden, only home-made compost or EM. Apart from fruits and vegetables you will find a large variety of wild herbs which we are happy to explain to you not only the use of them, but also the benefit for your health. We both have had a phytotherapeutic training. Please take advantage of the plants. You can’t get more regional than that.
»Because we have not inherited this Earth from our parents but borrowed It from our grandchildren!«
At a glance
Measures for climate protection and sustainability:
- Pellet- heating with solar-power support and wood stoves
- Power generation through PV (photovoltaic) and green electricity (Greenpeace)
- Rainwater unit for the toilet- flush, washing machine and garden irrigation
- The use of sun energy through wall and roof collectors to help with the warm water and the heating
- Electric lighting with LED bulbs and motion detectors which are light dependable
- Exclusive use of ecological friendly washing and cleaning agents (from the Sodasan and Sonnett companies, soap nuts, chestnuts, soapwort)
- Enduring interior furniture, some of them from local companies and sheltered workshops
- Home composting, the use of EM, Bokashi, Terra preta, raised beds for herbs and a greenhouse with home-grown vegetables and salads
- Up to 10% reduction on accommodation if you travel by train
- The possibility to use our regional public transport with the guest card
Check your ecological footprint for your holiday at the Federal Office of Environmental Protection Bundesamt für Umweltschutz; The internet offers a vast variety of possibilities on how to reduce your CO2 production or how to compensate for and balance it.
»Is there a greater task than to preserve Creation? I don’t know of any!«
(Richard von Weizsäcker)
The Orchard
Mountain Maple – tree of contemplation, radiating peace, enduring and energising.
Oak – The root is the foundation of all life, strength, energising and grounding.
Ash – hard, tough and stable, balanced between the elements, the ash shows us our centre.
Spruce – reaching for the light towards its destiny. The tree of balance and harmony.
Larch – indestructible, enduring, uncomplicated and adapting, gives security and trust.
Fir – A stunning queen who never hurries, patient and resilient, lives in serenity.
Yew – enduring but pliable are the characteristics that describe the yew, to sleep in the Yew room (scientifically proven fact), affords you the equivalent of an extra hours sleep, making you energized and alert the next morning.
A daily reflection with ones chosen tree strengthens us slowly but surely.
Our Stone Types
Granite »Shiva Kashi« – Shiva Kashi Granite – a hard stone with a yellow/grey background, with red cloud-like patterns, a meeting of heaven and earth.
Jura Marble – Jura Marble – an ancient stone (around 140 – 160 million years in the making) containing fossils like Ammonite and Belemnite which remind us that everything dies but is somehow still present.
Agate – Agates are the symbol of happiness and wealth.